Thursday, October 8, 2015


Paul's third month was the best and worst month so far.
Let me summarize with bullet points.


  • Herpangina: Paul spent two weeks of the month sick. Matthew and I woke up on a Sunday morning and Paul was inconsolable. He cried and cried and cried. Paul is a fantastic baby so we were not used to so much crying and it was exhausting. We went to the doctor's office (for S-H-O-T-S) and the doc said it was Herpangina. Herpangina, aka a throat ulcer, aka what I understood to be a canker sore, made Paul not want to eat. It made it hard for him to swallow because it was in the back of his throat. Which made it hard for him to eat. I was mentally fried. Also, as aforementioned, he was sick and THEN we also got shots. While he was sick. It took me 30 minutes to calm him down and then he fell asleep. 

  • Teething/Cold: Now, no pearly whites have popped yet, BUT drool. Lots and lots of drool. In fact, so much drool that he has a hard time swallowing it all. I got a cold while he was sick and passed it to him and so then Paul had drool and mucus. Not so bad during the day. Terrifying during the nighttime. Okay, only one night time. I woke up and saw Paul flailing. He was asleep and basically choking on his mucus. I'm pretty sure I scared him as I turned him over my knee to pat his back. Poor thing. After that we got saline drops to help thin the mucus. So scary. 
Also, bigger baby = bigger poop. Not as enjoyable. 

  • Personality: Paul is sooooo smiley. I wake up almost every morning to Paul chattering to himself and as soon as I open my eyes he gives me a big, gummy grin. He also gets exasperated with me. When I am talking to someone and not paying enough attention to Paul, he yells at me! It happened once at church when I was talking to this lady and once when I was talking to my sister on the phone. So funny. 

  • Strong: Paul is still a hater of tummy time, but excels in strength in other areas. This month he started grabbing and holding onto objects. His favorite toy is this ball my mom bought. He fell asleep holding it the other day. I wish I would have gotten a picture! Paul loves to stand and has also started to do this thing that cracks me up. While laying on his back he lifts his head off the ground and lifts his feet off the ground. (He looks like he is doing a crunch) I think this is his way of saying he wants to sit. He loves the Bumbo. He sat in it almost all day today. 

  • Observant: Paul is very observant. He follows everything with his eyes. He likes to "read" books and watches the mobile on his swing constantly. 

  • Laughs: He started to laugh this month. It has been possibly the most rewarding growth so far. The gave a few giggles to Matthew while Matthew was singing The Noble Duke of York song to Paul. The first time I heard a really good laugh was right after I got out of the shower. Paul was "starving" so I fed him before I had a chance to run a brush through my hair. Matthew brought me my brush and actually brushed my hair while I was feeding Paul. Paul thought this extremely silly and was grinning at me. I looked at him and said, "Hey! I look good!" and he giggled. Then I said, "YOU look good!" And he laughed! So cute. Then I said, "Daddy looks good!" and he looked at me stone faced and I laughed! HA HA!

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