Thursday, September 24, 2015

Making an Entrance

Warning: birth Story coming at ya! 

I went to bed on Thursday (June 25th), but woke up at one in the morning to discard all the contents of my stomach. Walking back to bed, I began to wonder if I was having contractions. I was so tired I couldn’t even focus enough to decide if I was having steady contractions or if I was having Braxton Hicks. I finally decided that it didn’t matter if I was having contractions because most women contract for forever before going into active labor, so I decided to go to sleep. 

I woke up around six the next morning (something that had been happening for a few days) and immediately thought I had peed my pants. (This was surprisingly shocking because I had only peed myself once during pregnancy and it was due to a deep hacking cough) I stood up and felt liquid running down my leg (this was about 6:20 in the morning.) I stood there in a stupor of thought and decided I should probably tell Matthew. I called his name and finally had to poke him in order for him to wake up. He looked at me with really big eyes like I had scared him, so I said, “Matthew, I think my water just broke. I am going to take a shower.” 
He followed me to the shower and told me, "I am going to close the windows and then… go back to sleep.” 

After I got out of the shower, Matthew and I were trying to figure out what we should do, knowing in the back of our mind that we needed to go to the hospital. We called my mom and told her (she was very excited and told us she was coming to Rexburg as soon as possible) and she said to go to the hospital! 
Next, we called Dr. Jones and told him my water had broken and he said that once we got all set up at the hospital, he would meet us there! He said that we had 12-24 hours before infection set in (since my water had broken) and that we would be having a baby that day! AH! 

Matthew then hopped in the shower and I think I called my big sister. She told me that she and my mom were coming to Rexburg! Then, after gathering a few things, we headed to the hospital! (At this point I was still having pretty soft contractions, it pretty much felt like pulsing menstrual cramps, if that is a thing and they were about 10-15 minutes apart)

When we got to the hospital (around 7:30), we were brought into a small room in order for them to make sure things were moving along. They gave my a gown to change into and used some sort of strip to make sure my water had actually broken… and it had! 
Then the nurse tried to “check” me, which failed miserably. I guess my cervix was up way too high. She tried twice and I almost cried. So painful. I remember having the thought that it was going to be a LONG day. (I was pretty anxious, but also excited)

I was then moved into my labor/delivery room and started on Pitocin. I was given an IV in the top of my hand. They tried to do it further back on my arm, but I guess I have a crazy vein that goes perpendicular to my arm rather than horizontal with it? Weird! I also had two monitors on my tummy. One that monitored Paul’s heartbeat and one that monitored the pressure of my contractions. 
Dr. Jones showed up and checked me again. He told me I was at a one and only about 30% effaced. Dr. Jones told the nurses that I could get an epidural whenever I wanted. His words were something like, “You have been uncomfortable carrying this baby for 9 months. Whenever you want to get that epidural, you get it!” Then Dr. Jones left and went back to his practice. 

The nurse, her name was Kendra, kept asking me if I wanted to lay down, but I most certainly did not! I sat on the bed cross legged for most of the morning. Every time Kendra would come in to up my Pitocin, she would tell me it would probably not kick in for an hour or so, but I ALWAYS felt my contractions were so much more painful right after. Around 10, my contractions were killer. I have always been the type of girl that likes to be alone when I am in pain (I never let Matthew in the bathroom when I was throwing up), but I knew that Matthew needed to be a part of my labor and I needed him there with me. Matthew was super helpful and fanned my face for who knows how long, but then the nurses brought in a fan (yay! It was SO hot— over a hundred degrees that day!) After the fan made its appearance, Matthew held my hand through contractions. I only got upset at him once. I was having a contraction and Matthew squeezed my hand. Let me tell you, when you are feeling tons of pressure inside, you most definitely do not want added pressure from an outside source! Also, my sister, Kyler, Lyla, and mom left Montana around 10 a.m.

Around 11 a.m., I was checked again and was at a 3. Contractions got more and more painful until, finally, at 1 p.m. I was at a 5 (90% effaced). The anesthesiologist came in and asked if I wanted an epidural. YES I DID! At this point, my contractions were killing me. I quickly used the bathroom and then headed back to my bed to be stuck there the rest of my labor. 

The anesthesiologist had me sit on the edge of the bed when he stuck the needle into my spine. Everyone had told me getting the epidural was pretty painful, but I didn’t think so. The only bad part was, right before sticking the needle in, the anesthesiologist said, “Don’t move,” and I did. I totally flinched. The second try I was super still though and felt instant relief. 

After the epidural, I took the greatest nap. 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. is pretty hazy. I do remember Dr. Jones coming to check on me around one and then coming back around 5. I also remember my sister and mom arriving at some point. I’d guess around 4:30 as well. Right after my epidural, Matthew left to go get some food. I wasn’t allowed any food, but had been munching on ice chips. 
I was so glad my sister and mom made it to the hospital before I delivered! It was so fun to chat with them and to be surrounded by not only the daddy of my baby, but my mom and one of my favorite mommy role models- my big sis! 

I decided I wanted to start pushing around 5:30, so my sister and cute niece left and mom stayed. With my nurse Kendra on one side and Matthew on the other, I started to push! Dr. Jones came in and was helping Matthew coach me through pushing. I pushed for an hour and then Dr. Jones used a “soft vacuum” to help Paul. He was stuck. Dr. Jones tried three times, but, because Paul was blessed with so much hair, the vacuum kept popping off his head. I got an episiotomy and cute cone-headed Paul came into the world at 7:02 p.m. 

Right after he was born, Dr. Jones placed him on my chest and asked what baby's name was. I said, “Paul Maxwell.” (People told me I would know what to name Paul when I saw him, but I didn’t! Haha, Paul sounded good though, so Paul it was!)

Instead of crying, Paul was grunting. He had some fluid in his lungs. They took him away and cleared out his airway and weighed/measured him. Paul weighed 7 lbs and was 21 inches long. (At his two day appointment, he measured only 20 inches long. I still feel a little guilty about that…haha) Then Matthew bathed Paul before handing him back to me. 

We did the usual- I showered, fed Paul, family came and held him, etc. But I mostly remember not sleeping that night because I just wanted to stare at my beautiful sleeping baby! Now, Paul is almost three months old! Ah! I can’t imagine life without  my sweet, smiley Paul! 

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