Saturday, January 26, 2013


This blog is brought to you in part by "writing a blog" beating out "grading papers" in Lacey's most recent inner turmoil.

Not that I mind grading papers. I love my job. I just love not doing my job just as much. Is that bad?

Here's an update on Lacey: I am currently procrastinating grading the papers of five classes. (Honestly and truly the stack of papers for tonight is a foot tall. Maybe. Close to it.) I do love being a T.A. for Sister McManus. She is a wonderful teacher. The best part of my job is when she comes into her office while I'm grading and we talk about teaching. That lady has taught everywhere. I just want to be able to apply everything she says to the way I teach...when I start own classroom.

Talking about teaching, I am currently required to go teach at the middle school and junior high here in Rexburg. I haven't gone to the junior high yet, but I'm kind of nervous! I adore the kids at the middle school though. They are still so naive and teachable and excited about learning! I just know that changing from 5th graders to 7th graders is going to shock me. Darn pre-teens!

Another job I'm doing this semester is being section leader (paid, oh yeah!) in the non-audition band at the University. It is made up of mostly non-majors. I am enjoying it so far. It is VERY different from being section leader in the Symphony Band (the top classical band). Here are the differences:
1. There are only 4 saxophones in the Symphony band. (2 altos, 1 tenor, 1 bari.) There are NINE altos in the University band. NINE. (also 3 tenors and 1 bari). but NINE altos.
2. I am the section leader in both bands, Symphony I am not paid, University I am.
3. My section in Symphony band is EXTREMELY talented. I love having band with them because we all have enough humility to admit mistakes and accept criticism from each other. My University band section is talented too (especially the ones who practice!!). Some of the students are extremely teachable, while others have huge egos (why, oh, why do saxophone players tend to be such fatheads?! Gotta love 'em anyways, I guess!!)
4. The Symphony band consists of about 45 students (mostly music majors.) The University band has over 70 students (mostly non-music majors).
5. I feel challenged in Symphony band as a player. I feel challenged in University band as a teacher.

Both are great experiences!
I'm also playing lead alto in the Jazz Lab Band here at BYU-Idaho and it is going pretty well. Jazz music is the best. I am currently stuck on Manu Katche (especially the chart Take off and Land).
Also, I cook, sometimes. (not really now, but I did before school started!) The first picture is of one of the crockpot freezer meals I made that I mentioned in my last blog. My favorite concoction: I made PITA BREAD and it was DELICIOUS. 3/6 actually popped up perfectly and looked like pitas. The other 3 looked like, well, bubbly, but mostly flat pita bread... but Matthew didn't care. He ate them with vinegar and oil anyways!

I guess we can talk about Matthew.

Matthew continues to be the most hard-working guy I know. I think he does at least 6 hours of homework every day and at least 15 hours over the weekend. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I get mad at him sometimes because he doesn't pay attention to me. (don't judge) He likes it...not really.

He is the VP of the Astronomical Society this semester and has done a lot of planning for that (basically he set up the website, plans all the meetings, and keeps everyone organized....basically all the duties of a president of a club...haha)

He also took this cool picture:


  1. You make me laugh...out loud. And Jace and Dad are in the room, but they didn't ask why I was laughing. So they don't know how funny you are...but I do. Way to find the humor in busy times!

  2. I agree with mom, you are definitely funny funny ;). You guys are always so busy. You better make some free time when baby johnson gets here! :D And that pita bread looks delicious!

  3. Lacey! I love hearing about your life :) That's so cool that you get so many teaching opportunities. That is one thing that I wish I had more of. Soak it in!
